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Advantages of Taking Manual Driving Lessons in Leeds Over Automatic Driving Lessons

“You get what you pay for”

Advantages of Taking Manual Driving Lessons in Leeds Over Automatic Driving Lessons Learning to drive is a significant milestone in one's life, and the choice between manual and automatic driving lessons can greatly influence your driving experience. In Leeds, a city known for its bustling streets and diverse driving conditions, opting for manual driving lessons offers numerous advantages over automatic lessons. Here, we’ll explore the benefits of learning to drive a manual car in Leeds. Greater Control and Versatility One of the primary advantages of taking manual driving lessons in Leeds is the increased control you have over the vehicle. Manual cars require the driver to change gears manually, which enhances your connection with the vehicle. This skill can be particularly beneficial in a city like Leeds, where you may encounter a variety of driving conditions, from busy city streets to hilly terrains. The ability to shift gears allows for better handling of steep inclines and more precise control in stop-and-go traffic. Improved Fuel Efficiency Manual cars are often more fuel-efficient than their automatic counterparts. In Leeds, where driving distances can vary and fuel prices can be high, this can lead to significant cost savings over time. By learning to drive a manual car, you can optimize your driving habits to use less fuel, which is not only economical but also environmentally friendly. Cost-Effective Learning and Maintenance To learn how to drive in a manual car in Leeds can be more cost-effective in the long term. Manual driving lessons tend to be cheaper than automatic lessons. Additionally, manual cars generally have lower maintenance costs compared to automatic vehicles. This is because manual transmissions are less complex and have fewer parts that can fail. As a result, you might spend less on repairs and upkeep. Broader Vehicle Options By mastering the skill of driving a manual car, you open up a wider range of vehicle options. In Leeds and throughout the UK, many cars, especially older and more affordable models, come with manual transmissions. This can be particularly advantageous if you are looking to buy a used car, as you will have more choices and can potentially find better deals. Enhanced Driving Skills and Focus Learning to drive a manual car requires a higher level of skill and concentration. In Leeds, where traffic can be unpredictable and driving conditions can change rapidly, these enhanced skills can make you a more attentive and competent driver. The necessity to coordinate the clutch, gears, and accelerator ensures that you stay engaged with the driving process, reducing the risk of distraction. Better Employment Opportunities For those considering careers that involve driving, having the ability to drive a manual car can be a significant advantage. Many job opportunities in Leeds and beyond, such as delivery drivers or roles that require operating company vehicles, prefer or even require drivers who can handle manual transmissions. By taking manual driving lessons, you increase your employability and open up more job opportunities. Greater Driving Freedom Lastly, learning to drive a manual car provides greater driving freedom. With a manual driving license, you are legally permitted to drive both manual and automatic vehicles. Conversely, if you learn to drive in an automatic car, your license will restrict you to automatic vehicles only. This flexibility can be incredibly valuable, giving you the freedom to drive a wider variety of cars in different circumstances. Conclusion In conclusion, taking manual driving lessons in Leeds offers numerous benefits over automatic driving lessons. From greater control and improved fuel efficiency to cost savings and enhanced driving skills, learning to drive a manual car can provide a more versatile and rewarding driving experience. Whether you are navigating the busy streets of Leeds or exploring the scenic countryside, the skills gained from manual driving lessons will serve you well. So, if you’re considering driving lessons in Leeds, opting for manual instruction could be a wise and beneficial choice. 4o

Manual driving lessons in Leeds

Go For The Middle


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Dash Cam Driving Lessons Leeds https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/dash-cam-driving-lessons-leeds/ https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/dash-cam-driving-lessons-leeds/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2024 12:29:55 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1052

Dash Cam Driving Lessons Leeds

Learning to drive is a complicated process and is heavily focused on hazards. Learning how to pre-empt them, learning how to identify them and then learning how to handle them. On paper with diagrams this is relatively easy, but in the real world where everything moves at a million miles an hour this can be very hard. This is where the dash cam comes in.

Modern Driving Lessons

MBDrive is one of only a few driving schools in Leeds to use Dash Cam technology. We offer dash cam Driving Lessons in Leeds and we use the dash cam recordings for a variety of reasons. All driving lessons use a dash cam and lessons are recorded onto a SD card so they can be played back afterwards if desired. Playing back this footage can help us identify what went well in a lesson and maybe what didn’t go so well. This is useful because in the case of the latter – we can see what could have been done better. Being able to show you as a learner driver what you did wrong during a lesson is a great learning tool, especially as our minds race so fast we probably wouldn’t remember the small details afterwards. You will be able to see visually what happened and what you should have done differently.

Better Hazard Perception

Hazards also can be created in a blink of an eye and sometimes might easily be missed; but if we can slow down time afterwards to look back at them we can better learn what created it in the first place. This has the advantage of teaching you what to look out for and be aware of in the future. Since all the footage is recorded onto a SD card, you can take it home for further analysis if you so desire. This means you can go home and re-run through your driving lesson to remind yourself what went well and what you can do next time to improve.

Cheaper Insurance for Successful Students

Getting used to driving with a dash cam is also good practice for when you have passed your driving test and have your own car. Lots of car insurers recommend driving with a dash cam as it can greatly help in the event of an incident as it can prove who the liability is with. If you’re in the right, but the other party is claiming you are in the wrong, this can save you big time. Some car insurers are even offering a discount to drivers who have dash cams in their cars. This is great news for new drivers who have to often pay big insurance premiums, this discount will definitely help out. Dash cam driving lessons in Leeds are definitely the way forward for driving schools and we are proud to be offering this service for all of our students.


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Choosing The Best Driving Lessons In Leeds https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/choosing-the-best-driving-lessons-in-leeds/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 12:21:27 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1044

Choosing The Best Driving Lessons In Leeds

Learning to drive is a very important time in a somebody’s life, for young people it is a chance to spread their wings and enjoy some freedom. For older people it may be a chance to get that job they always wanted, or to make life much easier for their family. Choosing the best driving lessons for you is really important. Despite all the advantages that will come with having a driving licence, you still need to get past the driving lessons and the driving tests. Choosing the best driving school with the best driving lessons for you will give you the best chance to succeed. Before finding a driving school you need to spend some time thinking what sort of driving lessons you want to do. In order to decide this you need to ask yourself some questions.

Do I Want?

> Manual or automatic driving licence?

> Crash course or regular weekly lessons?

Leeds is a big place so there will be lots of different options for driving lessons in Leeds. No doubt you will have friends or family members who have recently passed their driving tests in Leeds, so the first recommendation would be to ask around for referrals. Find out who other people used and hear about their experiences, this will often narrow down your search.If you don’t have people who you can ask then you can use the Internet to find driving schools in your area. Once you have found a few you can check out their social media pages to find reviews.

Calm Instructors

The best driving schools in Leeds will have calm and patient driving instructors. Yes they may be strict, but that’s because they are teaching you how to drive a dangerous machine, but they should be calm and patient and make you feel comfortable behind the wheel. An angry driving instructor who is constantly shouting at you is going to put you on edge and make you make more mistakes out of fear. Find a driving school in Leeds which seems to tick all the positive boxes and then give them a try. Book one lesson and see how you get on. If you feel safe and comfortable, carry on. If you don’t feel comfortable with your driving instructor then feel free to try another one until you do.

Try Several

If a particular driving instructor in Leeds is not happy with you having a ‘try out’ driving lesson then they are not worth sticking with, as they should be confident that you will pick their driving school, not annoyed that you may want to look elsewhere. After all, they need to prove to be the best driving school in Leeds if they want your business. For more information read our post on choosing the right driving instructor in Leeds.


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Common Mistakes To Fail Your Driving Test https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/common-mistakes-to-fail-your-driving-test/ https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/common-mistakes-to-fail-your-driving-test/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2024 11:40:30 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1035

Common Mistakes To Fail Your Driving Test.

Unfortunately sometimes people fail their practical driving test in Leeds. When this happens rather than getting upset about it and feeling like giving up, we need to analyse what happened, why we failed and what we can do to improve and prevent it from happening next time. From doing this analysis we will become better drivers. There are two types of mistakes during a driving test. These are often classified as ‘minor’ and ‘major’. You’re allowed to have 15 minors and still pass, where as 3 of the same minor or a major will be an instant fail. It is upto the discretion of the Leeds driving examiner whether a mistake should be classed a minor or a major, but we aren’t talking about this today. Today we will simply discuss what could contribute to failing your driving test. Some of these will be majors, whereas others may be minors, but obviously if you do them multiple times can become a fail.

taking driving lessons in Hyde Park Leeds

What Are The Common Reasons To Fail?

Not Checking Your Mirrors

Not checking your mirrors when maneuvering, starting off or at junctions can lead to either a minor or a major, depending on the circumstance. Try and make it a habit to check them, and also try and make it obvious. Sometimes you may have checked your mirrors but your examiner unfortunately couldn’t tell. Try and make head movements so they can easily see you are checking your mirrors.

Touching The Kerb

Touching the kerb during a parking maneuver will result in a minor, and if you do it hard or your mount the pavement it will be a major. To avoid the major, simply take your time and if you’re unsure, just re-adjust. This might give you a minor, but it’s definitely better than taking the risk and possibly getting a major.

Stalling The Car

We all do it sometimes, even experienced drivers. Unless you’re in a dangerous situation, stalling the car won’t be a major. Simply remain calm, apply the handbrake and start again. By causing yourself stress and trying to rush, you will be more likely the stall the car again and again.

Not Using The Handbrake

Although you’re not expected to use the handbrake at all times, you will be expected to use it at times where the car may roll back and obviously when you are parking. Due to this and not always knowing when the car may roll back, it’s good practice to use the handbrake whenever the car stops for longer than a few moments, for example at red lights.

Driving Too Slowly

Seems silly doesn’t it when you first think about it? But you will be expected to drive to speed limit at all times except in times where there may be a hazard or it’s unsafe to do so. Make sure you’re aware at all times what the speed limit is in the area and drive to that. There you have it, the most common causes for failing your driving test. This isn’t an exhausted list, but just the most common


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Finding A Driving Instructor In Leeds https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/finding-a-driving-instructor-in-leeds/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 11:24:44 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1024

Finding A Driving Instructor In Leeds

As many have said, securing a top-notch driving instructor in Leeds can mean the disparity between success and failure in your Driving Lessons.

driving lessons in Hrehills

Why You Ask?

Learning to drive can be a very difficult task. It requires a lot of theoretical skill which you can learn from Driving Lessons , a lot of practical skill and a lot of common sense. Also every single person has different strengths and weaknesses, so a good driving instructor will identify these within a person and help them boost their weaknesses. A good driving instructor in Leeds will also know the best way to approach the learning. Some people learn in different ways and the instructor will be able to pick up on this and tailor the lessons to suit the individual.

Driving in a big city like Leeds is also a lot different to driving in a rural part of the country, so there will be lot of different challenges that students will face. This includes but is not limited to; rush hour traffic, bus lanes, multi-lane roundabouts, multiple mini roundabouts and cycle lanes. Having a driving instructor who us used to driving in Leeds is compulsory if you want learn the best you can. Good driving instructors will be patient with you when you make mistakes rather than simply shout at you. They will also realise that different people learn at different rates, so one person may take a lot longer to become test ready than another.

What’s The Best Way To Find A Good Driving Instructor In Leeds?

One of the best ways in this modern connected world is to simply ask for recommendations. You’re bound to know someone who has recently passed their test or who are currently learning, so ask them for recommendations. Failing that, simply ask on social media. Ask your friends to ask their friends.

Use The Internet

Search Google for driving schools near to you and then read the reviews. You can do this simply by searching for “Road safety training near me” or “driving lessons leeds” and see what comes up. In this modern world there are nearly always reviews left for companies, so use that to your advantage.


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The Best Way To Pass Your Driving Test In Leeds https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/the-best-way-to-pass-your-driving-test-in-leeds/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 11:19:09 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1018

The Best Way To Pass Your Driving Test In Leeds

Passing your driving test is one of those things that we must do, at least it is if you want to drive a car! So what is the best way or passing your driving test in Leeds? The truth of the matter is there is no one ‘best’ way. It all depends on the person and what works best for them when learning something new. Some people are practical learners and others are theoretical learners. Some people might better benefit from a crash course, whereas other people will learn better with a regular short lesson.

Automatic Driving Lesson Leeds University

Get A Good Driving Instructor

Whichever way you think will work better for you, you still need one important thing – a good driving instructor! Read our article on finding a good driving instructor in Leeds. Having a good driving instructor will probably be the different between passing and failing. Your driving instructor can talk to you about the various ways of learning to pass your driving test. They can talk you through all the options and between you a plan can be developed.

Be Committed!

Whatever the plan is, you will need to be committed and focused. Listen to your driving instructor carefully and try to soak up as much knowledge as you can. Remember, practice makes perfect. If you’re studying for your theory test then take as many practice tests as you can. If you’re nearing your practical driving test then get out in the car as much as you can.

Remember, Driving Will Eventually Feel Natural!

Eventually driving a car will feel natural, you won’t even think about it anymore, you will just get in the car and drive. The more time you can spend driving before your driving test the better. This will mean as well as having the best chance to pass your driving test, once you have passed you will feel much more confident to drive on your own.


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Scared About Taking Your Driving Test In Leeds? https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/scared-about-taking-your-driving-test-in-leeds/ https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/scared-about-taking-your-driving-test-in-leeds/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2024 11:13:31 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1012

Scared About Taking Your Driving Test In Leeds?

The thought of taking a driving test in Leeds can be very scary and can leave us with some worrying thoughts:

“What if I don’t pass first time? Will that make me a failure?

“All my friends passed first time”

The truth of the matter is that you shouldn’t be scared of taking your driving test. It’s perfectly natural to be nervous about taking a test, especially one as important as a driving test. However if you are having the above thoughts, they need to be addressed by some positive thinking.


“What If I Don’t Pass First Time? Will That Make Me A Failure?”

Of course not! Not everybody passes first time. According to some statistics by the DVSA, This tells us that it is more common for people to pass second time around. If you do pass first time around, congratulations! However if you don’t, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. We learn from our mistakes. Focus on what you can learn from the experience and use that to improve your driving skills. Some people argue that people who pass their driving test 2nd time around are better drivers. There’s no proof to this of course, but bear it in mind!

“All My Friends Passed First Time”

So what? Good for them. It doesn’t mean if you don’t they are better than you. You shouldn’t let peer pressure affect your confidence when it comes to driving. Everybody learns at different paces and sometimes driving tests throw some ‘curveballs’ at us to make them more interesting. It might be because your friends got lucky and didn’t experience any of these ‘curveballs’ on their driving tests. However it’s these ‘curveballs’ that teach us to be better drivers. It’s called driving in the real world.

Positive Thinking

To best prepare yourself for your driving test, you should be thinking positively. Remind yourself how well you have done on your driving lessons and that you are a good driver. Also remind yourself that your driving instructor would only put you forward for the test if they felt you are ready – so this in itself should be taken positively.

Don’t Rush

If you really do not feel ready for your driving test, discuss this with your driving instructor. Maybe you need to have a few more lessons before taking the test? Passing your driving test is not a race and shouldn’t be rushed. If you feel like your driving instructor is rushing you, then find a new one.


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Tips For Taking Driving Lessons In Leeds https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/tips-for-taking-driving-lessons-in-leeds/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:55:35 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=1003

Tips For Taking Driving Lessons In Leeds

Nervous about starting driving lessons in Leeds? No fear. Here are some tips to help you get the right driving instructor and to get the most out of your driving lessons.

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Choosing The Right Time

What sort of person are you? Are you more focused in the evenings or are you more focused in the early mornings? Picking a driving lesson slot around the same time you are more focused will give you the best possible chance of getting the most out of your driving lessons.

Choosing The Right Driving Instructor

You will spend a lot of time with your driving instructor, so you want to have one which you get along with. Having one that makes you feel comfortable and safe will improve your chances of success.

Reading The Highway Code

Actually taking the time to read the highway code in advance of your driving lessons will help you. Start studying for your theory test now. This way you will recognise a lot of the signs on the roads already and have a basic understanding of what to expect.

Get To Know Where You Live

Assuming you will be taking driving lessons in the same town you live in, find out where the test routes are. You can probably find these online or by asking your driving instructor. You can then go onto Google Maps and study the locations, using even street view to see what you’re up against. This is especially helpful when using big roundabouts with lots of different lanes.

What To Wear

Wearing comfortable clothes with safe and comfortable footwear will make a big difference to your driving lessons. You don’t want to wear anything too tight or that will make you too hot, remember you will be strapped in. Wear comfortable flat shoes as well, preferably not big heavy trainers where you cannot feel much through the sole. You want to be able to feel the pedals so you can learn how much pressure you need to use for certain situations.

Don’t Be Hard On Yourself – Set Realistic Goals

Learning to drive for most people will not come easy. It’s not something we are born able to do. It will be a steep learning curve, so don’t expect that you will be able to master clutch control within a few sessions. Set yourself reasonable goals and don’t be hard on yourself if it takes you awhile to ‘get it’.

Stay Positive

Remember why you wanted to learn to drive in the first place. Whether it was to have some freedom or to be able to go somewhere you wanted to go. Remind yourself that you will pass your test eventually, even if you don’t first time. Don’t be hard on yourself if you make a mistake, everyone has to make mistakes in order to learn from them. Most importantly – try and enjoy your driving lessons – driving should be fun!


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Cheap Driving Lessons Are Not Always The Best https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/cheap-driving-lessons-are-not-always-the-best/ https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/cheap-driving-lessons-are-not-always-the-best/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:44:27 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=992

Cheap Driving Lessons In Leeds Are Not Always The Best

“You get what you pay for”

The quote above is very true for many things in life, from clothes to electronics. The same quote can also be said for driving lessons. Unfortunately cheap driving lessons are not always the best. This is usually down to the fact that the driving instructors are earning a lower profit margin per lesson, so they will want to rush their lessons so they can fit more in a day. This can lead to students feeling as they don’t matter and they can never quite ‘connect’ with their driving instructors.

Manual driving lessons in Leeds

Good Driving Schools Rely On Reputation – Not Price

The best driving schools in Leeds don’t need to be the cheapest to get students, they get students by having a great reputation and offering quality driving lessons. Yes they may charge slightly more money for the lessons, but you are paying for that experience and reputation. You are also getting a driving instructor who actually cares about you and your feelings. They will do whatever they feel best to progress your driving skills and to prepare you for your driving test. A cheap driving school in Leeds may also not want you to progress your skills quickly, they may want you to keep taking driving lessons because it means more money for them, due to their low profit margin. So yes the lessons may be cheaper initially, but if it takes you longer to pass then you are paying more money in total.

Fewer Facilities

Cheaper driving schools in Leeds may also have less facilities available to their students. For example they may not have safe modern learner cars with dual controls, or maybe they don’t use dash cams. This is why they are cheap driving lessons. There are also downsides to going with the most expensive driving schools in Leeds. You think “wow their expensive, it must mean they are very good” – well no, it doesn’t always work like that. They may have high costs because they have chosen to use expensive exotic learner cars and they now need to charge a lot of money to keep them running. Well unless you want to drive the latest exotic car (which is not necessarily the best thing for learning to drive) then paying for the expensive driving lessons is pointless.

Go For The Middle

Like other things in life, the best rule of thumb is to go somewhere in the middle. Don’t go for the cheapest, but don’t go for the most expensive either. Go for something in the middle. Here at MBDrive, we are not the cheapest driving school in Leeds, but we do offer quality driving lessons that are tailored to you and we actually do care about teaching you the driving skills you need to successfully pass your driving test.


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Choosing The Right Driving Instructor In Leeds https://www.mbdrive.co.uk/choosing-the-right-driving-instructor-in-leeds/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:34:02 +0000 http://www.mbdrive.co.uk/?p=980

Choosing the Right Driving Instructor for Driving Lessons in Leeds

So you’ve decided to learn to drive? Congratulations. Whether you’re 17 or 57 you now need to find the perfect driving instructor for you. There are probably dozens of different driving lessons in the town you live in, or maybe hundreds if you live in a big city like Leeds. So how do you choose the best one for you? You want to go with a driving instructor in Leeds that makes you feel comfortable and safe. Driving lessons are very daunting and especially in a big city like Leeds, you need to have a driving instructor which will be patient with you and makes you feel safe in a busy city environment.

Being Qualified

Choosing a driving lessons by expert driving instructor who is fully qualified is very important. Make sure they are a DVSA approved driving instructor – this means they have passed all the checks made by the DVSA including points they have on their own licence and also passing a CRB check. What car do they use? Every car is different to drive, so picking a driving instructor with a good modern car is the best way to go. Most driving instructors use smaller hatchback cars and this is because they are easier to maneuver and have good visibility out of all the windows. Some driving schools may have multiple cars to choose from, giving you some choice.


What equipment do they have? Dual controls in a driving school car in Leeds today is essential. This means the driving instructor has another set of foot controls as you do, so they can stop the car in an emergency. More modern driving lessons in driving schools in Leeds like us at MBDrive even use Dash Cams, this is a way to record your view out of the car during a driving lesson. This means we can then play back your recording and go over points in the lesson again, such as maybe pointing out hazards that may have been missed.

Local Experience

Picking a driving instructor who has had a lot of driving experience in the location you are is also another recommendation, so for example in Leeds, look for a driving instructor who has lived and worked in Leeds for a long time. This gives them the best possible chance to make you feel comfortable on busy roads as they know them very well too. They will also know when certain roads and quieter than others, where likely hazards are and they can even teach you road shortcuts you may otherwise not know about.

Ask Around

If you have found a driving instructor in Leeds that you think is good, ask around to see if anyone else has used them before or even check their social media pages for reviews. This will give you a good idea on their performance. We at MBDrive pride ourselves on fantastic modern driving lessons in Leeds and surrounding areas.


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